Are you a first time home buyer?

Home buying, especially for first time home buyers, can be chaotic and stressful. Oftentimes potential home buyers don’t even know the first step. Watters Homes aims to be an educator, helping you walk through the home buying process with confidence, making sure you understand every step of the way, and never being too busy to answer all your questions. New to the real estate scene? Not sure where to start? Let us help you!

- Start Looking

home buying is a process. not ready to buy yet, don’t worry. start seeing what’s out there, eXPLORE neighborhoods you like, and get a General feel for pricing. Although online sites like Zillow, Trulia, or Realtor are great for baseline knowledge, going on a multi property tour in a relaxed setting with an agent will provide real market knowledge. it’s never too early to start talking to a real estate agent.

- Solidify with an Agent

Would you be friends with your Agent? Sit down with sOMEONE - ahead of time. don’t be afraid to Ask them questions about their approach. Not all agents will be a good fit for you. Read their reviews, get to know them, and trust your Instincts.

- Find a Lender

After you get to know your agent, it’s time to find a Mortgage Broker to obtain the mortgage through a Lender. the lender vouches for your financial candidacy to buy a home, and will give you the golden ticket: a Pre-Qualifying Letter.

- The Golden Ticket

Your Pre-Qualifying Letter will allow you to make a legitimate offer on a property and cement you as a buyer once a Contract to Buy has been executed.

- Go On a Tour

start Walking through homes, townhomes, apartments & condos with your agent - and with real confidence. On these tours you should feel zero pressure. Touring can help you decide what you want (..& don’t want) and start you dreaming for the future.